Rational Agendas, Happy Employees, Fit Teams...
TeamClub® Team Coaching
In TeamClub® Team Coaching programs, we focus on understanding the needs at every stage of complex business processes to help workgroups and teams improve their performance and get in shape. We aim to transform professional sluggishness and inefficient practices, which often become habitual, into team performance.
TeamClub® Benefits
We refine team members' views on work and life, enhancing alignment within the team.
We clarify team goals, review workflows, and set actionable steps.
We evaluate team culture and efficiency for commitment and anchoring them in principles..
We define value and service propositions tailored to all stakeholders.
Workshop Design
We design workshop programs with the F.I.T. model, customizing them according to customer expectations, and conduct them with 1 or more moderators depending on the size and characteristics of the target group.

Workshop Focuses
Development of Behavioral Patterns & Culture
Definition of Group Dynamics and Interaction
Idea Generation, Brainstorming, and Design
Team Roadmap and Workflow Model Design
Definition of Working Principles and Proposition
Target Groups
Fit Your Team
For employees from the same or different departments working towards a common short- or long-term goals or projects.
Fit Your Department
For employees at all levels within the same teams and departments operating in the company.
For first and mid-level managers or senior executives within the company who share common goals of delivering results together.